The Caribbean Student Collective
  1. What is the Caribbean Student Collective?
  2. Can I join?
  3. Are there membership fees?
  4. When and where does the Caribbean Student Collective meet?
  5. When was the Caribbean Student Collective founded?
  1. The Caribbean Student collective is an organization located at the University of California Santa Barbara. 
  2. Of Course! Anyone can join! You don't have to be from the Caribbean to be a member of this organization! All you need is an open mind and the willingness to learn!
  3. To be considered an active member, you would need to pay a small fee of $5 per quarter. This fee cover our OSL fees. Trust me, with all the activities we have planned for this year, It'll be worth it :)
  4. Soon to be announced....
  5. The Caribbean Student Collective was founded on a warm spring day during the month of April 2011. Our first meeting was held on April 18th.